As the headline below indicates, the President is setting aside $2 billion for alternative energy research. But isn't this a case of déjà vu all over again? Haven't we heard this before? And does anyone really think the oil companies will sit back, let the rug be pulled out from under them and go off quietly into the night? Surely, they'll want a slice, or rather, the whole pie of this new initiative. Let's face it - if tomorrow it was determined that ground glass could operate cars instead of gas, Big Oil would own all the grinders and charge $4.00/pound for their efforts.
In the early 1960s, then President Kennedy said America would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. Of course that goal was achieved, and the residual inventions that were realized (think computers, baby) changed the world forever.
Just imagine if President Obama challenged American industry to a similar create an EFFICIENT energy alternative to oil? Our country would once again become a technological world leader, with even China playing catch up.
Why can't anyone see this? (And yes, I know about the Solyndra debacle; simply throwing money at a problem without accountability has been proven precisely how not to solve it.)
Obama & Energy Research Funds
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