Thursday, February 11, 2016

Media Bias

"Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred." ~ Joseph Goebbels.
As the Reich Minister of Propaganda in Germany from 1933 - 1945, the personal perceptions of Goebbels became reality as he systematically primed the Nazi war machine with his biases. His inflammatory rhetoric included labeling Jews as sub-humans, lackeys & parasites. The subsequent deaths of over six million people in concentration camps are grim testimony to the success of his media brain-washing efforts.
More than seventy years later, the construct of Nazi propaganda is mimicked in editorials misconstrued or presented as objective news reporting. The euphoric effect of mainlining media bias results in an initial rush as less informed (a.k.a. dull normal) readers are assuaged by hyperbole into a stupor of self-aggrandizement.
But readership that hasn’t (or cannot due to a diminished intellectual capacity) developed a critical eye to determine fact from fiction eventually scavenges for another media high. The Internet and specifically articles posted onto Facebook serve some as viable news sources. And thus the problem is exacerbated.
Once this high is scored, a still woefully uninformed but erroneously self-confident reader might now consider him/herself an “expert” via their booster shot of editorial incontinence.
The following are a small sample of opinionated articles masquerading as news stories found on Facebook the week of 2/7/16. Any intelligent individual knows the difference between the two and can determine why they are labeled as such. If not, you are a mere board piece in the game of life subject the whim, fancy & vicissitudes of a media hell bent on inculcating its self-serving agenda on the gullible masses.

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