Thursday, March 14, 2013

Better NOT Fly Those Friendly Skies

After the 9/11 tragedies, the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) was beefed up to be certain such incidents could not happen again. So when an undercover inspector for the TSA hid a fake bomb under his clothing on Feb. 25, 2013 and was cleared through not one but two separate security checkpoints at Newark International Airport, it was all the more disturbing.

In part, the First Amendment, Section 8 of our Constitution states: "Congress shall have power to...provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States." Therefore, we have the right to expect our government will protect us from harm. Considering the TSA has dropped the ball and put US citizens in harm's way, it appears that someone, somewhere has definitely violated its obligation to the people.

The same First Amendment allows freedom of the press. More specifically, it permits newspapers, radio and broadcast media to inform the public of such a breach of security to the world. And thus the problem; the proverbial genie is now out of the bottle. With full knowledge of this incident, armed terrorists waltzing through airport security is now only a numbers game. What’s meant by this?

Stay with me here: the goal will now be to flood lines waiting to board jets with numerous bomb-carrying murderers, knowing at least one of them could very well get aboard a flight. And recently, the TSA allowed small knives to be carried on board. Such are the ingredients that comprise a recipe for disaster.

You now have to wonder…how long until terrorists make it through "security" & board your flight...or a loved one's?

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